Open Mind Open Mic con Raffi Red - The Spanglish podcast for everyone!
This is a bilingual podcast in Spanish and English. Un podcast bilingue de Español y Ingles. In this podcast we have an open mind and open mic where we talked about multiple topics with no particular specifics. En este este podcast tenemos la menter abierta y el microfono abierto para hablar de differentes temas sin ningúno en especifico.
Podcasting since 2023 • 7 episodes
Open Mind Open Mic con Raffi Red - The Spanglish podcast for everyone!
Latest Episodes
(English) How to save money & travel for free! 2024-2025
In this podcast episode, I finally explained how I managed to take that many travels in the year and how I could afford most of all my travel experiences. I will upload the other episodes in the future where I will go into more in detail about ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Aprende del mundo de Jiu Jitsu con los Torres Brother de Mano A Mano
Empezamos el 2024 con broche de oro con mis primeros invitado al podcast los Hermanos Torres, que son los dueños de la escuela de Jiu Jitsu en Kissimmee, Florida. Hablamos de como empezó sus carreras y todo lo que han logrado. Tamb...
Season 1
Episode 6

Crea tus metas para el 2024. Create your goals for 2024!
En este podcast hablo sobre tres differentes metas que recomiendo para ti, si no sabes por donde empesar. 1. Como ahorrar dinero y por donde empezar. ( Ally Bank Savings) 4.35% APY2. Empieza un hobby ó nuevas experiencias.&nbs...
Season 1
Episode 5

Top 5 Smart Essentials you need now to make your house smart!
In this epidosde, I talked about the top 5 smart gadgets you need to start building you smart house. This is the first part. The next podcast will be about more advance smart items and different protocols and how they can communicate much bette...
Season 1
Episode 4